Sunday, October 3, 2010


 the view from the top

 Today we took a trip to Kitengela to visit the Masai Lodge and glass-blowing factory. We arrived at the lodge around 10am, ordered lunch (since it takes hours for food to be prepared) and headed out on a “nature walk.” We were definitely not prepared for the trek, which turned out to be scaling rocks, jumping over rushing water, and crossing a suspension bridge to get to the factory.

I'm the second in line, in the green shirt
The factory itself was beautiful and looked like it came out of a Dr. Seuss book. We shopped around and then watched a glass-blower make a giant wavy salad bowl, which took countless steps of firing, spinning, and blowing the glass. It was really beautiful. After that we walked back to the lodge, had a great lunch (I got vegetable curry with rice and a salad) and hit up the pool. The lodge was an impressive high-class resort - the pool and tables were all right at the edge of beautiful cliffs and amazing scenery. We spent the rest of the day lounging around in the sun.

Of course, no weekend trip is complete without a wild animal sighting- we saw herds of gazelle and about a dozen baboons strolling along the road on our way back to town (look at the baby!)

*I'm having issues loading more photos- please check them out on Facebook :)

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